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Academic B2 #601
9th Grade, N-Z
11th Grade, N-Z

Phone: (559) 675-4450 x1430

Academic A1 #603
9th Grade, A-Cl
10th Grade, A-D
11th Grade, M
12th Grade, M 

Phone: (559) 675-4450 x1136

Academic AG #612
10th Grade, AG Pathway
12th Grade, A-Ci, AG Pathway

Phone: (559) 675-4450 x1550

Academic A2 #602
9th Grade, County / Newcomer
10th Grade, E-L, County / Newcomer
11th Grade, County / Newcomer
12th Grade, Co-L, County / Newcomer

Phone: (559) 675-4450 x1236

Academic A1 #606
9th Grade, Co-M
11th Grade, A-L

Phone: (559) 675-4450 x1136

Academic B2 #605
10th Grade, M-Z
12th Grade, N-Z 

Phone: (559) 675-4450 x1430

Academic AG #616
9th Grade, AG Pathway
11th Grade, AG Pathway

Phone: (559) 675-4450 x1550

Counseling Resources

Contact your counselor
via their published e-mail address or call
(559) 675-4450

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MSHS Graduation, CSU/UC, an NCAA Requirements

Graduation Requirements

Students must satisfactorily complete the following coursework.

English40 Credits (4 years)
Math30 Credits (3 years)
PE30 Credits (3 years)
Biology10 Credits (1 year)
World History10 Credits (1 year)
US History10 Credits (1 year)
Civics5 Credits (1 Semester)
Economics5 Credits (1 Semester)
Earth Science/Chemistry10 Credits (1 year)
Fine Arts10 Credits (1 year) Fine Arts may include any art course, any music course, any drama course, Drafting Technology, or Digital Imagery.
Electives70 Credits
Graduate ProfilePass the Graduate Profile and Showcase
Effective class of 2013: 10 credits of math requirement MUST be in Algebra I.

To be considered on track for graduation, student must meet the minimum credits for each grade level

Grade LevelCredits
Sophomore60 Credits
Junior120 Credits
Senior1st Semester: 170 Credits; 2nd Semester: 200 Credits
Graduation230 Credits

Each semester course is worth five (5) credits, thus earning ten (10) credits per year. Students should earn, with a passing grade a total of sixty (60) credits each year. “F” grades earn no credit. 

To be considered on track for graduation, student must meet the minimum credits for each grade level

Calculate the grade point average (GPA) by adding grade points and then dividing the total points by the number of grades:

A = 4 points
B = 3 points
C = 2 points
D = 1 point

Students must demonstrate pre-employment skills by passing the following graduation task with a score of 4 or higher on a Portfolio and Mock Interview.

Requirements for California Four Year Universitites

The A-G Requirements

Students who desire to attend a California university must complete the following minimum requirements with a grade of “C” or better:

  • English: 4 years
  • Math: 3 years (Alg. I, Geom, Alg. II)
  • Foreign Language: 2 years
  • US History: 1 year
  • World History: 1 year
  • Civics/Economics: 1 year
  • College Prep Electives: 1 year
  • Lab Sciences: 2 years
  • Visual/Performing Art: 1 year (See Counselor for qualifying courses.)

College Admissions Testing

Test Fees:
ACT No Writing   $35.00 
ACT Plus Writing $50.50 
(Required for all UCs and some private or out of state college or universities.
You need to check the college’s requirements for admission.)

When registering, you can choose up to 4 college or universities to send your test scores.
Do not send test scores to any community colleges, as they use their own assessment test. 

If you list one University of California campus (all 9 UCs will have access to your scores when you are applying). Make sure you utilize your 4 choices or you may have to pay to send your scores later to the universities or colleges that you apply to. 

Private Four-year Colleges or Universities

Most private colleges and universities require an academic pattern of courses similar to that required for the California universities.

Community Colleges

Eligibility for community colleges requires graduation from high school or equivalent, or a student must be at least 18 years of age.

College Planning

California Community Colleges

California Community Colleges is the largest system of higher education in the nation, with 2.1 million students attending 114 colleges. With a wide range of educational offerings, California Community Colleges provide workforce training, basic courses in English and math, certificate and degree programs and preparation for transfer to four-year institutions.

California State University (CSU)

With 23 campuses, CSU is the largest, most diverse, and one of the most affordable university systems in the country. Many CSU campuses have higher standards for particular majors or for students who live outside the local admission area. Because of the number of students who apply, several campuses have higher standards (supplementary admission criteria) for all applicants. Make sure to learn about admission requirements early in your high school career.

University of California (UC)

University of California (UC) admission guidelines are designed to ensure you are well-prepared to succeed at UC. If you’re interested in attending a UC campus, it is very important to exceed the minimum eligibility requirements in order to be a competitive applicant. 

Private Colleges & Universities

There are hundreds of private colleges and universities from which to choose. There are 70 independent undergraduate colleges and universities in California alone. Private colleges and universities are quite diverse in nature, including research universities, small liberal arts colleges, faith-based colleges and universities, and specialized colleges.

The cost is higher than public colleges and universities. However, these institutions have a variety of financial aid programs that often make the cost comparable to a public institution. Your ability to graduate in 4 years at a private institution may be greater than at a public institution due to more courses being available to you as a student there.

Some independent institutions, such as USC, Stanford, and California Institute of Technology, are highly selective. Other universities are less selective in nature. Visit their websites for specific admission information and application deadlines.

Many private colleges accept applications through the Common App.

Advanced Placement

AP classes offer a challenging and stimulating educational experience for college bound students. When compared to other high school courses, AP classes often take more time, require more work, and give greater opportunity for individual growth and accomplishment. In May, AP exams are taken and scored on a 5 point scale. Most major colleges and universities recognize scores of 3, 4, or 5 for college credit. The amount of credit varies by institution. Students who are in need of special accommodations, must notify their teacher and the AP Coordinator upon enrollment in the course.

District-to-District Transfers, Transcripts & Records Requests

Get Verified!

Provide your school information so we can ensure student records stay in the right hands!

  1. Visit
  2. Complete the validation form at the bottom of the page.
  3. You will receive an email confirmation once validated.
Request Student Records
  1. Select School.
  2. Get logged in. Reset password for first time users.
  3. Select Student Transfer File, enter in student learners’ information.
  4. Select delivery destination and complete order.

Receive Records securely
  1. Watch your email for updates.
  2. Student records sent directly to your inbox via secure link.
Save Time!

Great news! Once you’re verified by Parchment, you can use the same credentials to make requests for other districts that also use Parchment


Madera Unified has recently adopted an e-scripts transcript service, called Parchment, which allows us to quickly and securely send transcripts electronically to colleges and universities.

There is no cost to current students or alumni for electronic transcript copies. Copies can be printed and mailed for a small fee.

Please note that at this time only transcripts can be requested through this e-script service. If you need copies of other records, alumni should contact the district office at 559-416-5862 and current students should contact the school they are attending. For Special Education records, including IEP copies, please contact our Special Services department.
If you are a Madera South High School graduate or current student, use this link:

Order Credentials from Parchment

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)

The National Collegiate Athletic Association is an organization dedicated to providing a pathway to opportunity for college athletes. More than 1,100 colleges and universities are members of the NCAA. Those schools work together with the NCAA national office and athletics conferences across the country to support 500,000 college athletes that make up more than 19,500 teams competing in NCAA sports.

Student-athletes and parents interested in NCAA Division I and Division II requirements, see the NCAA Website. It is recommended you start preparing for NCAA qualifications when you are a freshman as certain academic requirements need to be met to qualify.The NCAA membership and national office work together to help the nearly 500,000 student-athletes develop leadership, confidence, discipline and teamwork through college sports.

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Financial Aid

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and California Dream Act Application (CADAA)

When completing the FAFSA or CADAA, applicants no longer need to estimate income and tax information and will be able to retrieve data using the IRS Data Retrieval Tool, beginning the first day the FAFSA or CADAA is available. By submitting the FAFSA or CADAA early, students will have information about their Expected Family Contribution (EFC) earlier, helping them as they go through the college application and selection process.

Each student and parent will need to create an FSA ID number in order to access the Federal Student Aid’s online system and to electronically sign your FAFSA application. 

NOTE: Remember do not share your FSA ID with anyone. The security of your FSA ID is important because it can be used to electronically sign Federal Student Aid documents, access your personal records, and make binding legal obligations. 

CAL Grants

Cal Grant Awards are free money provided by the State of California to help pay for the cost of college.  If you are a graduating high school senior who meets academic, financial and eligibility requirements, your child may qualify to receive a Cal Grant. 

Madera Unified will electronically submit your CAL GRANT GPA verification for every senior in the district to the California Student Aid Commission so they may be considered for a Cal Grant award, but you must submit your own FAFSA to complete the application.

The Cal Grant C program provides FREE MONEY to students pursuing an occupational or technical program. Students must apply for FAFSA or CA Dream Act Application to apply. No GPA requirement.

Student Scholarships and Grants

ScholarshipsOPEN / DEADLINE
AAUW (American Association of University Women)Closed for 2024. Available over Winter Break and awarded in Spring
Camarena Health ScholarshipClosed for 2024. Due in February 2025 for the next cycle.
Hire a HelperEntries are now being accepted for the Spring scholarship, which runs from Wednesday, April 17, 2024 – Wednesday, July 17, 2024.
FAFSAFor most state financial aid programs, submit your application no later than May 2, 2024 (date postmarked).
Cal GrantCal Grant requires submission of a school-certified GPA by March 4, 2024. For additional community college Cal Grants, apply by Sept. 3, 2024 (date postmarked).
AES Scholarship (Engineering)April 30th, 2024
Gates ScholarshipAvailable in July 2024; Deadline to submit applications is in September 2024; 
Semifinalist Phase runs between December and January 2025; Finalist interviews begin in March 2025; Final selection is in April 2025; and scholarship awards from July to September 2025.
Hispanic Heritage Youth AwardsApplication closed! Check back for more information.
Horatio Alger ScholarshipThe CTE scholarship application is now open until 12:00 PM EST on June 17, 2024.
Coca-Cola Scholars Program ScholarshipThe deadline for the 2024-2025 application will be September 30, 2024.
VFW Voice of Democracy ScholarshipDownload the 2024-2025 entry form and find your sponsoring local VFW Post. Applications must be turned in by midnight, Oct. 31, 2025. 
Jack Kent Cooke ScholarshipApplication period is February 8, 2024 – May 9, 2024.
Dr. Juan Andrade Scholarship for Young Hispanic LeadersLast year’s application deadline was November 30, 2023 @ 11:59 PM CT. Check back for updated 2024 information.
Dell ScholarshipThis year’s application is closed. Check back for updated 2024 information.
Comcast/NBC UniversalNo longer available as the corporation has ceased that program.
Fresno State President’s Honors ScholarshipClosed. Check back for 2025 cohort information.
EECU Student Grant ProgramThe 2025 student Grant Program will open in October 2024.  In order to be eligible to apply for a grant this fall, the person who is applying for the grant must be an EECU member, joint member or joint owner on an account in good standing and the account must be opened, or the joint member/owner added, by June 6, 2024.
Foot Locker Scholar Athletes No new information.
Burger King ScholarshipApril 30th, 2024
PepsiCo Cesar Chavez Foundation ScholarshipNo new information.
GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program

The 2024 application is now closed. Sign up to be notified for the 2025 application.

DFA Cares Foundation Scholarship ProgramThe application period for 2024 is now closed. Check back for more information.
E.M. THARP INC. /WORLD AG EXPOThe application period for 2024 is now closed. Check back for more information.
Elks National Foundation Legacy AwardsThe application period for 2024 is now closed. Check back for more information.
FFA, Bayer, Agco, Ram, & John Deer ScholarshipsThe 2023-2024 scholarship application is closed. Scholarship winners will be announced on April 25 and must accept the scholarship by May 31st.
Hispanic Scholarship FundCLOSED: Available January 1, 2024; Deadline Feb 15, 2024;  Finalist Phase – March 2024;  Selection – June 2024; 
Documents due June – November 2024; Awards – December 2024
The Dream US Scholarship2024-25 National Scholarship Round is now closed. ISTS will send email notifications in late-April.
Cal Expo Scholarship ProgramThe application period for 2024 is now closed. Check back for more information.
Madera County Farm BureauFebruary 1, 2023
Madera Community CollegeMarch 2, 2023
Migrant ScholarshipsNo information.