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Stallions Athletics

Stallions Boys Swimming
Richard Petzinger
Swimming Head Coach

Stallions Diving
Diving Head Coach

Stallions Track & Field
Benny Madrigal
Head Track & Field Coach
Sky Fierro
Head Track & Field Coach

Stallions VolleyballGirls
Karina Garcia & Sharalyn Hernandez
Varsity Head Coaches

Stallions Cross Country
Sky Fierro
Head Coach
Benny Madrigal
Head Coach

Stallions Water Polo
Rich Petzinger
Boys Varsity Coach
Miranda Perez
Girls Varsity Coach

Madera South Athletics requests all sports physicals be turned in on the provided Sports Physical Form for athletic clearance. The form is available at the MSHS Athletics office and the MSHS front office.
Thank you for your help with this effort to make athletic registration more efficient.
Support your student-athletes with your
All-Seasons Pass

Academic Standards For Athletics
Students who participate in MSHS athletics must:
- Have a minimum 2.0 GPA every semester.
- Be on track to graduate according to MSHS graduation credit system (refer to page 22).
- Adhere to the guidelines established by the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF).
Please refer to the MUSD Athletic Handbook for detailed information.
Athletics Insurance Requirements
To participate in athletics in the State of California, students must have health insurance coverage. If you have your health insurance that meets the standards of Educational Code Sections 32220-32225 you do not need additional insurance. However, it you wish additional coverage or need primary coverage, health insurance that meets all of the requirements of Educational Code Sections 32220-32225 may be purchased from the Athletics Department at Madera South High School.
Stallions Resources
NCAA Eligibility
Student-athletes and parents interested in NCAA Division I and Division II requirements, see the NCAA Website. It is recommended you start preparing for NCAA qualifications when you are a freshman as certain academic requirements need to be met to qualify.
Contact your student-athletes counselor for more information.